Saturday, July 5, 2014

Oh, say can you SEA

Happy Fourth of July!!! Today we sailed all day therefore there are no good adventures to describe.  We got up, ate, ate some more, rested, then ate again.  Oh, we did work out before we started our eating marathon, so that we could workout the little cherry on top of the drink we had.
A few years ago we were on foreign soil on the Fourth of July, so we made it a point to go to an American restaurant to have dinner and feel the spirit of the holiday.  Today, since we sailed on Canadian waters almost all day, the only thing we had to remind us of the celebration of the wonderful country we live in, was a red, white and blue balloon arrangement in the center piazza of the ship.  No fireworks, no parades, no BBQ's not even the occasional random illegal firecracker.
The only different and familial experience we had was the opportunity to celebrate a Shabbat Shalom service at the religious chapel of the ship.  It was such a peaceful happy occasion that we may just adopt the custom in its plenitude.  The service was led by an actual Jewish Rabbi and Cantor from Orange County California.  She and her family guided the service from beginning to end including the Concord grape wine and Chelah bread with sea salt (which was really good).   This final experience was the final touch to end a peaceful relaxing cruise.  We felt blessed to share the week with each other and with others who wish to rest and set a side a day to contemplate the majestically made universe we live in.
Shalom and good night.  Until tomorrow when we disembark and cross the border for a few days and travel to Oregon to see our friend Mike Skolnik & family.  

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