Sunday, June 9, 2013

Murano, Burano, St. Mark Square

Think of Italy and many things come to mind like pasta, pizza, boot shape country,  the leaning tower of Pisa. Today we experienced all except the tower of Pisa (that is coming in the next few days).  But we did see a leaning tower in the island of Burano.   Why doesn't anyone come and see the leaning tower of Burano?  Perhaps because there are so many other picture taking opportunities,   Burano is the island with the bright colored old houses.  Legend says that fishermen painted their homes in bright colors so they could identify them when they were at sea.  What a picturesque charming island It is.  We hope to share a few pictures on this blog, wi-fi permitting.  
To get to Burano we had to take the Vaporetto ( water bus, public transportation between the islands), this forced us to get off on the island of Murano and explore a little before heading to Burano.   Murano is known for it's fired glass figures, vases and other colorful artifacts that they create with much detail.  Beautiful works of art that were worth taking the time to see.  
In the afternoon we came back to Venice to ST. Mark square and to ride a gondola.  We were able to enjoy the square but the Gondolas will have to wait perhaps a decade, perhaps less but we will have to come when it does not rain like it has today.  
We could not leave St. Mark square without feeding the heavy overweight pigeons, Alec was able to hold a few pigeons on his hand and said they felt heavy, probably from all the 
food they are getting from tourist that don't obey the "do not feed the Pigeons sign"  a fun experience for anyone that enjoys that kind of activity.  
Tomorrow we leave rainy Venice and head to Florence, thunder is predicted for there, but sunny the rest of the week.  Let's just hope we have gotten our fair share, if not we are going to Africa next year.  Where it never, ever, ever, rains.  


Poc-Cheeny said...

Never say never. Hope you're enjoying yourselves. Have some gelato for us. Try the After Eight flavor.

Oregontrail said...

Greetings Cindy,
Your vacation blog is interesting & humorous. It sounds like you & your family are enjoying another great vacation trip.
I understand your point about rain sometimes limiting outdoor activities. Yet, it is wonderful to appreciate the beauty of a place even on a rainy day. To quote Luke Wilson's character from Woody Allen's 'Midnight in Paris': "I think Paris is most beautiful in the rain."
Mike Skolnik
Portland,OR(yes, it is known to rain here also)