On very few occasions do we get to experience the exciliration, and extreme sport adrenaline we felt today. As we were on the shuttle on our way to Selvatura Park where we were going to zip line and canopy walk, different thoughts were crossing our mind. What if the cable breaks? What if someone forgets to secure my harness? What if, what if? As we drew closer we could see the forest up closer and reality was smack in front of us.
We were harnessed, given instructions then led to the first platform that would initiate us to the most amazing and nerve wrecking experience of our life! At first we were afraid that this might be our very last extreme sport ever! We continued nevertheless, and followed instructions, since we were too far to go back...Zip lining above the forest of Santa Elena Cloud forest is an experience that will be difficult to top. As we were zipping above the tallest trees in Costa Rica we can assure you we were in one of the best places to practice this sport.
The Canopy walk was equally exciting but not as excilirating. Alec described it as "Magestic" It really makes you feel like you are on top of the world when the tallest trees are far below where you are walking. There are sounds you buy on a CD in the U.S. it's as if every one of your senses is being stimulated in a wonderful peaceful way. The walk along the hanging bridges will also be difficult to top any time soon.
Tomorrow we head out to Manuel Antonio National Park. While the U.S. is celebrating the 4th of July we will be traveling to another amazing spot in Costa Rica. We hope it is as beautiful as what we have seen today.
Pura Vida (for sure!)
Your vacation sounds amazing so far. Cynthia and I hope that you have many more thrilling experiences while in Costa Rica. Happy 4th of July! Pura vida!
Thank you Pablo & Cynthia, we hope that after you are tired of going to Italy (or live there);-) you guys make Costa Rica a vacation spot.
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