Sunday, July 6, 2008

Versailles & Dinner Cruise

Saturday was a different day from all the rest that we have spent in Paris.
Not because we had to get up at the crack of dawn to be out of our room and at the metro stop by 8:00 A.M. Not because we had to travel far from our hotel room to get to our destination. Not because it was rainy and cold, of course not! It has been rainy and cold every other day that we have been here! It was because we finally visited a place that we felt was not worth our time. Many would probably disagree and perhaps in disbelief that we would feel this way. But it truly was not worth getting up so early, traveling a whole hour to get to a palace with hoards of people in every inch of the place. Lines everywhere! Even the restroom must of had at least 50 people in line. Yes the palace is nice and opulent but is it worth all the time to see rooms of pictures with people that looked like they didn't want to be there? None of us are really into
King Louis XIV furniture (we prefer the simple IKEA style), our passion is not in that era. We would have gone to the gardens but since it was raining it was not possible to enjoy those either. So in summary if you like 1600's furniture, history or art, Don't miss Versailles! If you enjoy standing in long lines and paying for breathing stale air full of people in small rooms (they seemed small because the hundreds of people) go for it, otherwise, Paris has much more to offer locally.
In the evening after the Versailles fiasco we had dinner on the Seine River, beautiful scenery and full on boat experience, very nice to make up for the morning. The food is not the specialty but we had a good time and that is what really matters. We probably won't remember the food a week from now anyway.

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