Friday, June 27, 2014

A cold expensive cruise

The day has final y arrived.  All our suitcases are packed, our cruise reservations made and our anticipation is all here.  All except one minor detail, we did not schedule our transportation from Anchorage to Whittier, where our cruise is scedhuled to depart from.  The distance is about 60 miles  but the difficulty of getting from one place to another is HUGE   We had never heard of renting a car  for 12 hours and greeting charged the equivalent to a week or more, apparently that is what it takes in Anchorage.  At this point all we can say is:   This cruise better be good!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

No more nights

I have been a little (ok., a lot)  diligent in posting our  vacation plans  this summer.  As a matter of fact we leave in little over a week and this is the first time I even make our destination public.
After careful consideration and some friendship ties we decided to travel to Vancouver B.C. Canada this summer.  Not without taking a week long cruise first, starting in Anchorage,  Alaska.  We will be departing from Anchorage and ending in Vancouver.  We also plan to visit our good friend(s) in Portland.  Then we will meet with the Sabot's in Vancouver and go to Gibsons for a couple of days. Finally after close to two weeks we will be flying back to Los Angeles.
I will post as often as I can during the time we are traveling, although I know it's difficult while on the cruise.... For now let the frantic planning continue.