Sunday, June 28, 2009

Seashells By the Seashore

Our Saturday started very different from all others. Our hotel is situated right next to a preservation park, so we decided to take an early morning (9;30 a.m.) job through the pathways of the luscious green meadows. Although we are used to exercising every day, the humidity is extremely taxing (plus the jet lag!).
After our drenched experience we decided to sit out at the beach and rest (that's what the Sabbath is for right?). Alec said he never knew Saturday could be so relaxing (compared to driving on the 405 freeway at any time of the day on any given Saturday). The waves are so soothing to listen to. Oh, and the water in Clearwater beach is soooooo warm and clear. Alec spent all day in the water. Awesome, fun and relaxing. I don't think any of us had ever been in the ocean while it rained. We really enjoyed our day, to say the least!
We had heard that the sunsets at pier 60 were excellent to watch, so we took a little walk close to 8:30 p.m. when the sun sets here in this part of Florida, and sure enough the sunset was SPECTACULAR! Except for a few clouds that are standard in this part of the world.
We will post pictures when we have a little more time.
We are headed to Miami on Sunday afternoon, where we will spend the night before boarding the ship for our cruise. Hopefully we will have a little time to log on and up load the most recent pictures we have of our vacation.
Until the next time....

Friday, June 26, 2009

Hello Clearwater!

After much anticipation and a 5 hour red eye flight we are finally at our destination. There is a reason they call the midnight flights "Red Eye" we all have matching red eyes from sleep deprivation and a long night sitting in the tiny airline seats.
We arrived at 6:00 A.M Eastern time (3:00 a.m.). Picked up our rental car and were off headed to Clearwater by 7:00 a.m. Pretty smooth process... Clearwater is about a 4 hour drive from Ft. Lauderdale, Julio drove and I slept most of the time!
Now to the wonderful weather in this area. For those of you that know us, you know what kind of weather we almost always have anywhere we go since March 1995. Yes! It has been raining with hurricane like wind all day! Let's hope we have less rain and more sun tomorrow.
It is now 7:41 P.M and with our little sleep last night we are pretty much falling asleep at the stoplights (there's traffic in certain spots of the city so the stop and go is prolonged).
We have complimentary Internet access at this hotel, so we will likely log on tomorrow to share pictures of our day.
Hasta manana.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Two more days!

As our departure date draws nearer we are more excited to have a few days of peace and relaxation. We can't wait until we can just sit relax and read our favorite book that has been waiting on our night stand for the past entire school year. We hope to finally get past the first few sentences, unlike the days when our sleep deprived bodies and heavy eyelids collapse after just a few words. The countdown to our departure has begun!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Eleven days!

We continue to anxiously await our departure date. we leave in 11 days to our cruise.